Midsummer Night's Dream Test And Answers

[FREE] Midsummer Night's Dream Test And Answers

What does this suggest about the functions of these characters in the play? Theseus and Oberon? The adventures of the four young lovers — Demetrius, Lysander, Helena and Hermia — are a necessary aspect of the play, yet many critics have...

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A Midsummer Night's Dream – quiz

Start a live quiz. This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials. Midsummer Night's Dream study guide contains a biography of William Shakespeare, literature essays, a complete e-text, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. A Midsummer Night's Dream is a wonderful play that deals with themes such as love, the nature of magic, the meaning of a dream, and the relationship between fantasy and reality. Why does Philostrate try to keep Theseus from seeing the play? Why does Theseus choose to see the play about Pyramus and Thisby rather than the other entertainments? Why does Titania give Oberon the child in Act 4? There are eight multiple choice questions and two short responses. Great for ENL students or as a quick assessment after a class read aloud! See all. The entire play is constructed around groups of opposites and doubles.

A Midsummer Night’s Dream Questions & Answers

Students progress at their own pace and you see a leaderboard and live results. A comprehensive database of more than 23 a midsummer nights dream quizzes online, test your knowledge with a midsummer nights dream quiz questions. The irony of discussing the reality of A Midsummer Night's Dream is that the play is fictional. Take this test and see how much you remember from the story. He wants her back to her true self ; he has the boy now. How does Hippolyta regard her upcoming marriage to Theseus? Grades: 5 th. Print Word PDF. Played 16 times. Related Questions. Act 1 Why is Egeus disturbed? The play is so ridiculous and the performance so bad that the courtly audience find pleasure in mocking them. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Key Concepts: Terms in this set 26 What sort of night world does Puck describe?

Scene by Scene Quiz Questions for A Midsummer Night's Dream

View a FREE sample. Part 2: The Rehearsal. What is the significance of the setting of A Midsummer Night's Dream? Why does Theseus dismiss the stories of the four young people? Performing Arts. Updated: Jan 30, William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's dream is complicated enough to provide no shortage of writing prompts and essays questions. Why does Oberon remove spell casted over his queen? Theseus bests Hippolyta in a sword fight and wins her hand in marriage. What does he say is wrong with it? About this resource. Show all files. Act 5; Midsummer Night's Dream Questions. Puck describes the night as a time were ghosts come out of their graves and where the ill dream of death. How would you direct this scene including as the scene develops, when Hippolyta is present but does not speak?

A Midsummer Night's Dream: Ultimate Test

Created: Jan 3, In an oral report to the class, explain in your own words c The part is too long and he cannot read. This could emphasise how different they are, as fairies, or be used to show Puck's playfulness; but it is important to think about why Shakespeare might do this. Play Synopsis. Theseus and Hippolyta are discussing their upcoming wedding. Created by. Act 1 How does Hippolyta come to be betrothed to Theseus? Why does Flute say he is unable to play the part he is assigned in the mini-play? Intro lesson - Getting the background info- marketplace. Report a problem. Act I, Scene 2: Questions and Answers. Multiple Choice Questions 1. It has realistic elements, but at the end of the day, the story and its characters are imaginary. Act 1, Scene 1. How does Oberon find Titania and Bottom? Nearly every characteristic presented in the play has an opposite: Helena is tall, Hermia is short; Puck plays pranks, Bottom is the victim of pranks; Titania is beautiful, Bottom is grotesque.

A Midsummer Night's Dream Unit Test

A Midsummer Night's Dream. Here is a more detailed look at what happens in each scene of A Midsummer Night's Dream, to help you look at the structure of the play and interrogate it. Page content. William Shakespeare. She starts to love Button instead of the boy ; no longer cares for the child. Recent Posts.

'A Midsummer Night's' Dream Quiz

Theseus thinks the days will go by slowly but Hippolyta thinks they will go by fast. Theseus is very impatient about love. Hippolyta thinks they will go by fast because of her excitement. Why has Egeus brought his daughter and her two suitors to Theseus? What does Egeus expect him to do? Egeus is outraged that Hermia will not do as he says. Egeus brought his daughter and her two suitors to Theseus because he wanted Theseus to make Hermia marry Demetrius.

Midsummer Night's Dream Trivia and Quizzes

He also wants to know if the king will give him permission to give the daughter the fate of marrying Demetrius or being put to death. She either has to marry Demetrius, become a nun, or die. Then Demetrius would lose his chance to marry Hermia. What do Lysander and Hermia plan to do about this seemingly impossible situation? They plan to run away and elope. He is a man that loves the chase; it is not about love he just wants to win.

William Shakespeare : A Midsummer Night's Dream Act 1 Quiz

Why do Lysander and Hermia tell Helena their plans? Because now Helena could be with Demetrius. What does this show us about Helena? Why does Nick Bottom want to play all the parts? He wants to play all the parts because he believes he is the best actor there is and can handle any role perfectly. He is arrogant and thinks he is the best actor. What other famous Shakespearean story does the plot of Pyramus and Thisby echo? It reminds me of Romeo and Juliet. They will make a more light, funny approach and make it more comedic than a tragedy. In what way is this scene funny? Where are the actors meeting the following night? Why are they rehearsing in this remote place? They are meeting in the woods so that no one will know the plot of their play. Who else is meeting in these same woods at the same time? Why do you suppose Shakespeare has set up this coincidence? Lysander and Hermia; Shakespeare probably did this to add some awkward moments between the two groups to make their meetings funny.

Unit: Funny Business

Why are Oberon, the king of fairies, and Titania, the queen of the fairies, fighting? They both want the small Indian boy who is in the possession of Titania. Titania wants him as her son, but Oberon wants him as his servant. Name three of the numerous tricks Puck enjoys playing on humans. He pretends he is a stool and disappears when old ladies are sitting on them; making them fall over.

A Midsummer Night's Dream

He takes the foam off of beer. He makes the milk not turn into butter. How have Oberon and Titania been involved in the past with Theseus and Hippolyta, and why have they come to Athens? They both have had romantic relationships with them and are there for their wedding. Hippolyta and Oberon were together and loved each other. Hippolyta made Theseus do mean things to his ex girlfriends. What effect has their quarrel had on nature, on the seasons, on humans? The seasons have mixed up on one another. The rivers are flooding. Disease is everywhere. Summer nights are filled with icy frost. Titania was good friends with his Indian mother and in honor of her death she is to take care of him as her son. How did the flower get this power? The next person they see, will be the person they fall madly in love with.

A Midsummer Night’s Dream Test

It has to be when they are asleep. He is going to use the magic juice on her to make her fall in love with the first thing she sees. This will cause a distraction so that he can take the Indian boy. Is this the best approach to win back a former lover? Explain your answer. She means that she will follow him around and never stop loving him like a dog never stops loving his owner. She probably needs more self-respect. If Demetrius killed her, she says that it would be a privilege to be killed by him. No I think that guys should make the first move. Such as, the guy has to propose. What does Oberon tell Puck to do about Demetrius and Helena? He asks Puck to put the magic juice on Demetrius eyes so that he will fall in love with Helena.

Ending the life of Shakespeare with a Comprehensive Exam

They are wishing a restful sleep and good dreams. A few minutes later Oberon comes and puts the juice on her eyes and says that he wishes that she would have a terrible sleep and find some type of beast to fall in love with when she wakes up. Why does Hermia insist Lysander sleep a little bit away from her? They are saying that they love each other when the next morning Lysander wants nothing to do with Hermia. She think he is mocking her. She thinks it is a cruel joke and is very angry. How is the dream a reflection of reality? Lysander will do the same to Hermia metaphorically because he loves Helena now.

A Midsummer Night's Dream TEST

If she would not do so, she would have to live the life of nunnery or die. Question 3: How much time did Duke give Hermia to think? Answer: The Duke gave four days to Hermia to think. Question 4: What plan did Lysander make to marry Hermia? Then, later, he would go there and marry her. Answer: Hermia would have to live a life in the nunnery or die if she refused to marry a man chosen by her father.

What time period is A Midsummer Night's Dream set in?

Question 6: Whom did Hermia tell about her plan? Answer: Hermia told about her plan to Helena. Answer: Helena realized that if Demetrius learnt that Hermia is going to the woods outside Athens, he would follow Hermia. Then, Helena too could follow Demetrius to the woods. Answer: The woods of Athens were full of fairies. Question 9: Who were the king and queen of fairies? Answer: Oberon was the king and Titania was the queen of the fairies. Question Why had Oberon and Titania quarreled with each other? Answer: Oberon and Titania quarreled with each other over a little Indian boy. Titania had taken the boy as one of her followers but Oberon wanted the boy to be one of his fairy knights.

A Midsummer Night's Dream Character Worksheet | Teaching Resources

The queen refused to give the boy to the king and this was the reason for their disagreement. Question What do you know about Puck? He used to lead the people astray on dark nights and then mock them. Question What was the name of the flower that Oberon asked Puck to bring? Question What was unusual or special about that purple flower? Answer: The unusual or special about that flower was that if its juice is dropped on the eyes of those who are asleep, it will make them love the first thing they see when they wake up. Question Why did Oberon feel sorry for poor Helena? Answer: Oberon felt sorry for Helena when he saw Demetrius denying his promises made to Helena. Question What orders did Oberon give to Puck? Answer: Oberon ordered Puck to follow Demetrius and put some juice on his eyes so that when he wakes up, he would love Helena as much as she loved him. On waking up, Lysander saw Helena first and fell in love with her. Question What did Oberon do when found that Puck has made a blunder?

Free Study Guide: A Midsummer Night's Dream

Answer: Oberon himself went looking for Demetrius to put some juice on his eyes. Demetrius also saw Helena and fell in love with her. So, in the end, both Demetrius and Lysander were in love with Helena. Question Why did Hermia start quarreling with Helena? Question What did Oberon tell Puck to make everything right? In this way, each man will get the lady who loves him. Question What did Oberon do with Titania? When she woke up, the first thing she saw was donkey headed clown. So, she fell in love with that clown. While she was under the spell of enchantment, Oberon persuaded her to give him little Indian boy. But then, taking pity on her he dropped some disenchanting juice on her eyes.

Midsummer Night's Dream Practice Quiz

Explain the relations between the four lovers. Lysander and Hermia are in love with each other, but Hermia's father, Egeus, favors a second suitor, Demetrius, for his daughter. Demetrius has formerly been in love with Helena but has deserted her, although she still loves him. Just why does each of the lovers go to the forest? Hermia goes to the forest to meet Lysander with whom she is going to his aunt's to be married.

A Midsummer Night's Dream Examination Questions and Answers

Helena knows of it, so tells Demetrius so he can pursue them, she follows that she may watch him — Lines — Scene i. Are these characters to be thought of as Athenians? If not, do they belong in this play? These characters are not to be thought of as true Athenians. They belong to the play. Athens was taken because to the English that was the city of beauty and the nearest approach to an ideal city. What sort of a person is Bottom? Bottom is a weaver, a thinker, an egotist and a tyrant. Do these fairies make you think of Greece, or some other country? These fairies remind one more of England than Greece. The references to the cowslips and to the housewife churning are truly English.

A Midsummer Night's Dream Quiz

What are some of the lines that are most fairy-like? The first fifteen lines of scene i are most fairy-like. Are they represented with petty minds as well as tiny forms? Titania is not represented with a petty mind although Oberon and Puck are. What is the power of the magic plant, and how does Oberon mean to have it used? The magic plant, love-in-idleness, makes the one to whom it is applied love the first thing he or she sees upon awaking. Oberon means to have it applied to Titania, so that she will give up the page before he will remove the charm from her. How seriously are we to take this scene? We are to take this scene as one of Puck's inimitable jokes. In this and other scenes, how does Puck feel about his mistakes? Puck has no compunctions about any of his mistakes.

Free Study Guide: A Midsummer Night's Dream - BrightHub Education

Do the characters in this scene know that they are funny? The characters in this scene have no idea that they are funny, in fact Bottom wishes the audience to be informed that he is Bottom to put them out of fear. Show how Titania's fairy daintiness affects the humor of the closing part of the scene. That the dainty fairy Titania could love the monster Bottom with the body of a man and the head of an ass adds much humor to this scene, especially when she calls Cobweb, Peaseblossom, and Mustard Seed to wait upon him. Explain the confusion of the lovers here; how is it to be straightened out? Oberon told Puck to put love-in-idleness on Demetrius, instead he put it on Lysander by mistake, then he puts it on Demetrius; both men see Helena on first awaking and scorn Hermia. Oberon tells Puck to put them to sleep when they go to fight a duel and put something on Lysander's eyes to break the charm.

a midsummer night's dream test

How far is Bottom turned into an ass, and how far does he remain his natural self? Bottom is turned into an ass only in the shape of his head and what he wishes to eat. He still thinks as the Weaver Bottom did. Is the hunting party a good addition to the play? The hunting party makes the awakening of Lysander and Demetrius seem more natural and helps straighten out the confusion of the preceding scene. When Bottom wakes, how much does he remember?

“A Midsummer Night’s Dream” Plot Review for Unit Test

Bottom remembers that he thought he was an ass and had ass's ears. Is Quince's prologue nonsense because of the way it was written, or of the way he recites it, or both? Quince's prologue is nonsense because of the way it is written and the way in which he recites it. What absurdities of stage-management occur in the mechanics' play? The wall making a speech, and later showing a chink by holding up two fingers; the man with lantern, the dog and bush of thorn representing Moonshine; and Snug's announcement that he is not a real lion are a few of the absurdities. Which of the actors makes the funniest blunders in language, and what trait of his character leads him to make them? Pyramus makes the funniest blunders in language; his bombastic and dictatorial manner causes him to do this. Do the comments of the spectators have any effect on the actors? The comments of the spectators have no effect upon the actors so intent are they upon their play. What popular beliefs are connected with Midsummer's Night?

A Midsummer Night’s Dream - Plot summary test questions

Some of the popular beliefs are that whatever is wished on Midsummer's Night will come true; that after night-fall the fairies are all-powerful; that they often steal new brides, or turn cowslips sprinkled on the doorstep into flames to burn those who have harmed them. Whose dream is meant — Titania's, Bottom's, the lovers', or the reader's? See lines to in Act IV. It is generally believed to refer to the audience. How to cite this article: Lunt, Forrest. Shakespeare Explained. New York: Hearst's International Library,

William Shakespeare : A Midsummer Night's Dream Quiz

Follow rules for collegial discussions and decision-making, track progress toward specific goals and deadlines, and define individual roles as needed. Bellringer: Preparing for Success 5 minutes The life of Shakespeare has now come to an end! To conclude our study on Shakespearean times and literature, students will take a comprehensive exam on the play. Guided Practice Game Reflection To review the contents of the play, students will get into two teams a play a game. Depending on the time of the class, this game can be played a day prior to the test, the day of the test, or serve as the test.

A Midsummer Night's Dream Quiz Questions With Answers

Prior to the game starting, students will pick their teams. Next, each team is given a mini-white board and a marker. As I read each question, teams work hard to get the correct answer and points for their team. Teams with the correct answers will control the board, pick questions, and see increases in their overall score. Teams that answer incorrectly, will lose points. A student will keep score as the game goes on. The team with the highest point value at the end of the game WINS! There may be students who will need help understanding questions throughout the test. If this is the case, I will support students in re-wording the questions to better aid them in deriving at the correct answers. All papers will be turned in at the end of the testing session. Check out my comprehension exam reflection video to understand thoughts about this unit and scores from the test. Please allow your students to enter the world and Shakespeare and become entangled in his web of love, deceit, and happiness.

A Midsummer Night's Dream Character Worksheet

What time period is A Midsummer Night's Dream set in? It portrays the events surrounding the marriage of Theseus, the Duke of Athens, to Hippolyta the former queen of the Amazons. Click to see full answer Accordingly, when and where does a midsummer night's dream take place? A Midsummer Night's Dream is set in Athens and the surrounding woods. Theseus decrees that Hermia must marry Demetrius, although she is in love with Lysander. One may also ask, how long is Midsummer Night's Dream? A gripping, full-scale 90 minute performance in the Globe Theatre created especially for young people. Hereof, what is the setting of A Midsummer Night's Dream? A Midsummer Night's Dream takes place partly in the city of Athens, and partly in the forest that lies beyond the city's walls. Even as Shakespeare sets up an opposition between city and forest, the events of the play complicate this opposition.

A Midsummer Night’s Dream - Plot summary test questions - KS3 English Revision - BBC Bitesize

Where does a midsummer night's dream begin? Act 1 opens at the palace of Theseus, the Duke of Athens. Theseus is anxiously awaiting his marriage to Hippolyta, the Queen of the Amazons, which is to be held in four days on the first night of the new moon. The title tells the audience right away that the play is going to deal in some way with a sort of dream on a summer night.

A Midsummer Night’s Dream Questions & Answers | WittyChimp

He also suggests to the audience that the play itself was merely a dream. What are the four main plots of A Midsummer Night's Dream? A Midsummer Night's Dream is remarkable for the many levels of its text. The play is different from Romeo and Juliet or the Taming of the Shrew which have one main plot because of the various levels of plots and characters. There are 4 levels: Theseus and Hippolyta, the young lovers, the mechanicals, and the fairies. What is the main conflict of A Midsummer Night's Dream? Oberon and Titania are in conflict because Oberson wants her to give him the human Indian baby she has adopted, and Titania wants to keep him. Later, when a magic flower makes Lysander and Demetrius decide they both love Helena instead of Hermia, they are in conflict because they both want Helena.

A Midsummer Night's Dream Quiz

What is the climax of a midsummer nights dream? In William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream the climax occurs in the argument between the four lovers, especially between Hermia and Helena, when both of Hermia's suitors turn towards Helena. Thus, the tension reaches its peak as Helena and Hermia start fighting and accusing each other.

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