Ethics Exam Questions And Answers

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If the immediate superior fails to act effectively , the concerned employee should take the matter to more senior managers, exhausting all available internal channels in the process. The prospective whistleblower should hold documentary evidence...

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Ethics Quiz With Answers

Masculinity: high in those countries in which gender roles are distinct and in which men are expected to be assertive, tough and focused on material success and women are supposed to be more modest, tender and concerned with the quality of life. In societies in which masculinity is low the gender roles overlap and both men and women are supposed to be modest, tender and concerned with the quality of life. Uncertainty avoidance: the extend to which society members feel threatened by uncertain or unknown situations. Societies in which there is low uncertainty avoidance are comfortable with ambiguity; those in which there is high uncertainty avoidance seek to finesse ambiguity away.

Best Integrity, Ethics and Honesty Interview Questions

This circumstance is called a. This practice is called a. Nader jailed for slandering GM c. Traffic Safety Act proposed by Johnson d. Hartley argues that this period of consumerism a. EPA b. Union Carbide laid off workers, claiming that was the only way they could comply c. EPA regulations make such an analysis illegal 21 In the story of General Dynamics overcharging the government for military contracts, Hartley discusses the issue of management change, and whether it can salvage a tainted corporate image. According to Hartley, the reception of General Dynamics's new chairman at a National press club luncheon shows that a. O or another high level official in the corporation gets fired as a result c. Which of the following is NOT part of the nature of a mission statement a.


He concludes that a. Campeau's story suggests that there are limits to the transferability of management skills from one industry to another 29 According to Hartley, the Corvair flipped because a. Consumer Reports article attacked the claims of STP b. STP was required to perform corrective advertising d. STP contains an acid which over time dissolves engine parts 34 A "membership group" is a group that a consumer a. Robins were still pending b. Robins filed for bankruptcy in the mid 80s in an attempt to block further suits c.

Business Ethics Test Questions with Answers Essay

Robins was sold, no more financial compensation was given to those who filed suits d. Beech Nut delayed in recalling the product in an attempt to use up several million dollars of inventory c. Beech Nut itself manufactured the artificial apple juice concentrate which it used in its apple juice for babies d. Which of the following is NOT one of those options a.

Ultimate Guide to the AICPA Ethics Exam

What are some common ethical types? Why do business people need it? Can ethics be taught to people? Ethics is a study of morality, stems from the ancient Greek "ethos" meaning custom or habit. It is a study of theories concerning what is good and evil in human conduct. There is no particular set of laws defining what is ethical and what is not, because there is no right or wrong answer. The second sense of ethics speak of "codes of ethics", which are a set of rules serve as guidance to people, often in fields of professions such as business or medical. Ethical contrasts with unethical, which goes against the codes of ethics.

Business Ethics Final Exam Questions And Answers Pdf

There are several ethical theories in Western philosophy. Many of them look at the fruits of one's action — categorized under Consequentialism, while other theories uphold one's right and duty, which is Deontology. Consequentialism pertains to cost and benefits. It deals with the results and consequences of performing or not performing an action. For example: If war brings more good money, oil, labor than bad casualties then it is ethical. Some consequentialist theories are utilitarianism and ethical egoism. Utilitarianism, according to Bentham and Mill, the right action is which creates the greatest good for the greatest number. People should ask what action would promote the greatest amount of happiness for people who are affected.

UPSC IAS Main Exam 2015 : Ethics Model Questions and Answers

For example: a utilitarian would say euthanasia is ethical if that would bring satisfaction to the suffering patient and financial relief to the family. Ethical egoism, according to Ayn Rand, says we should do what is purely in our best interest, as opposed to altruism. It promotes one's well-being above others. Meanwhile, deontology pertains to rights, duties or obligations.

Past exam papers: Professional Practice and Ethics

It concerns the morality of the action that is being performed or not performed rather than the results deriving from said action. In Kanti

100 Questions (and Answers) About Research Ethics

I will include the timeline portion of the syllabus on the exam, so you will know the names and titles of all of the articles that we read. You will have 4 hours to take the closed-book, closed-note exam. The answers should be approximately pages. The Short Answer Questions will look like the following, and at least three of these exact questions will be among the four you will choose from on the exam [1] : 1. What is ethical egoism? Give at least one argument from the Rachels reading in favor of it. Give at least one argument from the Rachels reading against it. What is ethical relativism? Give at least one argument from the reading or your own against it. Give at least one argument from the Shafer-Landau reading against it. Give at least one argument from the reading or your own in favor of it. How does he defend it? If you give objections from other readings and plausible Singerian responses, you will get partial credit. How does Singer respond to that objection?

How To Guess CFA Exam Questions Better [& What Won’t Work]

What moral principle does McGinn defend in his response to Singer? What implications would this principle have for our responsibilities to the distant poor? What implications does Lisa Cassidy think that it has for global poverty? What is environmental justice according to Figueroa and Mills? In your response, you should give at least one example of environmental injustice, explain what environmental justice is in general, and explain why it is important.

Code of Ethics Examination

Give at least one example from your readings. Why does he have this attitude? In "Nuclear Energy and Obligations to the Future," Richard and Val Routley consider several arguments showing that we do not have to refrain from using nuclear power. Briefly list at least three of these arguments. You can get full credit for covering one justification extremely well or justifications well. In "Energy Policy and the Further Future: The Identity Problem," Derek Parfit raises an important objection to most ways of taking into account future generations in ethical decision-making. Why is it a problem for the moral consideration of future people?

Business Ethics Interview Questions & Answers

Is it a more serious problem for consequentialist views like utilitarianism or rights-based views? After briefly laying out how the conclusion is generated, offer at least one detailed response to it from the reading. For example, does he mean that we should treat all animals in the same way? If not, why not? How does Regan defend this difference? What is his argument for extending rights to animals? Lay out at least two substantially distinct problems for strong animal rights views.

Ethics Final Exam

How does Schmidtz respond to the case of choosing between a chimpanzee and a severely brain-damaged infant pp. How does Schmidtz respond to the charge that speciesism is like racism? Option…If this is included, it will be as a 5th question. For Cora Diamond, what, if anything, is wrong with eating people? What, if anything, is wrong with eating meat? Holmes Rolston III defends a biocentric concern for all life. Lay out, as clearly as you can, his primary argument for this position. In the context of defending a biocentric concern for all life, Holmes Rolston III distinguishes between objective life and subjective life. What is this distinction and what role does it play in his argument? In his defense of biocentrism, Holmes Rolston III raises several particular examples of cases where human interests conflict with the interests of other living things.

Business Ethics Exam - Questions and Answers essays

What are the three points of the triangle? Why must animal liberation distinguish itself from both? What is the most serious conflict between animal rights and environmental ethics of the type Callicott defends? For Cahen, can ecosystems be directly morally considerable? Why or why not? For Eric Katz, is there a place for animals in the moral consideration of nature? For Gary Varner, can animal rights activists be environmentalists? Why does Lilly-Marlene Russow think that species matter? Lilly-Marlene Russow articulates several defenses of the value of species.

Prepare for the exams: Exam questions and answers for Business Ethics

Briefly lay out two of these defenses. Elliot Sober articulates several defenses of the value of species. What does he think the practical implications of its falsehood should be for our decision-making? Your answer should be pages in length. The essay questions will look like the ones below, and at least one of these questions will be among the three from which you may choose on the exam [2] : 1. Within contemporary ethics, there is a distinction between consequentialist approaches such as utilitarianism and rights-based approaches. As we have seen, this distinction cuts across debates about the status of future generations, animals, life, etc. Write an essay in which you either defend one of these two ethical approaches consequentialism or rights or argue that both ethical approaches are fundamentally flawed. What is the best defense of the value of ecosystems?

Ethics Questions and Answers (Q&A)

In particular, is their value intrinsic or instrumental? If intrinsic, why? If instrumental, to whom? And why should we care about the good of whomever they have instrumental value for? In laying out your response, consider and respond to the best arguments against your position. What is the best defense of the value of non-sentient living things? For whom or what would you be willing to make very significant sacrifices in your lifestyle? First, and briefly, lay out the most severe sacrifices you can envision making, and then explain whether you would be willing to make those sacrifices for the sake of humans in poverty, animals, non-sentient living things, ecosystems, or endangered species. Also specify whether you would limit the beneficiaries to those in the present or those in the future, and any other criteria that would be relevant to your decision of whether to take on those very significant sacrifices.

Free Practice Question: Confidentiality Answer and Rationale

Even with significant reductions in the use of energy, the world still needs a massive amount of energy. The building of dams often serves to reduce dependence upon forms of energy production that contribute to global warming. But building dams also harms animals and other living things and endangers certain species, local ecosystems, and the cultures of indigenous groups. Assuming that you must choose between building dams with those negative effects and continuing to operate coal power plants which will contribute to the degradation of the global ecosystem, should we build more dams? In your answer, consider the relative importance of present and future generations, and the degree and type of importance of each of the different parties affected by the building of the dam.

64 Ethics Quizzes Online, Trivia, Questions & Answers - ProProfs Quizzes

Defend anthropocentrism. In your argument, consider objections from those that see non-human individuals as having intrinsic value and also from those that see natural wholes ecosystems, species, or both as having intrinsic value. You may articulate whatever form of anthropocentrism you choose, but it must be genuinely anthropocentrist.

Exam questions and answers: Ethics | Teaching Resources

Assume the following scenario based on fact, but not strictly factual : Global warming is making it easier for black and grizzly bears to survive in habitats formerly inhabited solely by polar bears. Given differences in feeding and habitation patterns, it would be relatively easy to trap the non-polar bears. Many would likely die due to the traps, but others could be relocated. This would be an expensive project. Carefully regulated hunting focused exclusively on black and grizzly bears could also help shift the balance back in favor of the polar bears. The extent and type of such hunting would be deeply insulting to certain indigenous peoples near the relevant ranges, but it would also bring in needed economic vitality to struggling rural communities. What, if anything, should be done about the looming extinction of polar bears?

Ultimate Guide to the AICPA Ethics Exam in

Does it matter whether global warming is caused by human activity? Would it matter if the relevant species were variations of a kind of tree rather than variations of bears?

65 Items NCLEX Exam: Legal and Ethical Considerations

Question Answer : Research that involves human subjects or participants raises unique and complex ethical, legal, social and political issues. Research ethics is specifically interested in the analysis of ethical issues that are raised when people are involved as participants in research. There are three objectives in research ethics. Answer : Social responsibility is an ethical framework and suggests that an entity, be it an organization or individual, has an obligation to act for the benefit of society at large. Social responsibility is a duty every individual has to perform so as to maintain a balance between the economy and the ecosystems. Answer : The meaning of social ethics is a set of rules or guidelines, based around ethical choices and values, that society adheres to.

Department of Computer Science and Technology: Past exam papers: Professional Practice and Ethics

Many of these rules are often unspoken and instead expected to be followed. Answer : Business ethics is the study of proper business policies and practices regarding potentially controversial issues, such as corporate governance, insider trading, bribery, discrimination, corporate social responsibility and fiduciary responsibilities. What Are Core Values? Answer : If an organisation wants to take ethics seriously, it needs to identify the core values or principles to which it wishes to be committed and held accountable. It then needs to translate those values into guidance for all employees so that they are helped with discretionary decisions i. These form the foundation for a set of corporate ethical commitments and the organisation's approach to corporate responsibility.

UPSC IAS Main Exam : Ethics Model Questions and Answers

Organisations may also articulate a set of business values, such as quality, profitability, efficiency, reliability and customer service. What Are Ethical Dilemmas? Answer : An ethical dilemma involves a situation that makes a person question what the 'right' thing to do is. Ethical dilemmas make individuals think about their obligations, duties or responsibilities. It is through a dilemma that most employees experience business ethics. These dilemmas can be highly complex and difficult to resolve. Complex ethical dilemmas involve a decision between right and right choosing between right or wrong should not be a dilemma! An example might be where you uncover a friend's misdemeanour: You have a duty to your employer to report it, but also a duty to be loyal to your friend in a situation that could lead to his or her dismissal.

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